November 27, 2016

How to change the message in SAP GUI logon screen

Information clients on SAPGUI logon is important for users want to login a system. We can modify by create or change text on SAP Logon screen. 

1) Running Tcode SE61 and select "general text" for document class

2) Input name "ZLOGIN_SCREEN_INFO" and Click Create

3) Input text information or message


all available clients in M01 SAP System:

@AJ@ 100 – Customizing/Development only
@12@ 101 – Development Unit Testing
@7V@ 102 – Golden Customizing
@3J@ 200 – Quality Assurance
@65@ 201 – Integration Test
@AJ@ 800 – IDES

4) Click Save and try to Logoff Login again. The message will be showed like this

If you want to insert or change symbols, you can try to search abap text code with SE38 and input abap text code into "ZLOGIN_SCREEN_INFO"

1) Tcode SE38 and Run report RSTXICON

2) Select "Icons as ABAP List" and Execute

3) Icons ABAP text code list will shows and enter this code between two @ symbols code

November 26, 2016

How To Delete Spool Request In Queue That Causing ABAP Runtime Error

Sample of the errors:

1) ABAP runtime error (TCODE: ST22) 

2) List of error that caused by spool request


1) Execute TCODE: SE38 -> Enter "RSPO0041" -> click the execute button to run the program

2) Click the execute button with all the default value

3) Wait until the delete spool process complete

4) Once deletion complete, execute TCODE: SP01 to ensure all the spool request been clear completely

5) Sample of spool request before deletion

6) All the previous spool request been remove

November 19, 2016

How to view system parameter with SE38

Alternative solution to view system parameter instead of using TCODE: RZ11

Insufficient permission to access RZ11 and SE38

** Assumption of the user with the proper authorization on TCODE: RZ11 and SE38

1) Execute TCODE: SE38 -> Enter "rsparam" in the program textbox -> Click the "Execute" button.

 2) With the default option, click the "Execute" button again

3) Example of the parameter screen generated.

4) Use the search capability to find the relevant parameter.

5) Double click on the relevant parameter name to view the details

How to use Parameter IDs (PIDs)

How to use Parameters ID to:

1) Enhance users experience
2) Maintaining users favourites input that will save time and reduce the number of errors


1) Example of setting as default value for the user text box in "SU01"

2) To find the PID, with the cursor in the relevant field -> press "F1" to launch the "Performance Assistant" screen -> Click the "Technical Information" button

3) Copy the content of the Parameter ID

4) Enter edit mode of Maintain User of (SU01) for the specific user -> "Parameters" tab -> Paste the PID and enter the default value to be display  in the "Parameter value"

5) When user access to the specific TCODE

6) The user textbox will contains the default value configure earlier

November 13, 2016

How to lockdown a specific TCODE

Scenario: administrator would like to perform maintenance task and would want to temporary block/disable the access of certain TCODE for a specific of time.

Simple steps to disable a TCODE from user access:

1) Execute TCODE: SM01

2) Enter the TCODE to be lock in the text box and click "search" icon key

3) Checklist the "Lock" button and "Save" button

4) Sample error when the TCODE been execute.

5) Perform the similar task to unlock the TCODE later.

how to configure SAP Web GUI

To eliminate the extensive support of SAP GUI maintenance and upgrade on user PCs, the SAP Web GUI would provide an alternative solution to avoid all the support hassle and attractive benefit of zero installation.

A) Introduction on the SAP GUI family:

1) Web / HTML GUI: 

- Suitable for users who work with SAP transactions but don't require the performance of a native GUI
- Runs within standard browsers on Windows, Linux, MacOSX, iPad or Android browsers.
- Not getting the performance of an natively running software
- User may encounter usability limitations that caused by the browser framework
- Requires ITS in your SAP landscape to render pages

2) Windows / Java GUI: 
- native high performance
- Requires local installation of the solution.
- Requires Java Plug-In on the client side (Java GUI)
- Have to worry about the software installations, upgrades, etc

B) Steps to setup the SAP WEB GUI

1) Verify the ICM configuration parameters. Execute TCODE: SMICM

2) Click "Goto" -> "Parameters" -> "Display"

3) Ensure the parameter: icm/server_port_0 = HTTP,PORT=<Desired port ex:8000>, ........

4)  Ensure the parameter: icm/host_name_full = <Full Qualified Domain Name/FQN>

5) Execute TCODE: SICF, click the "execute" button

6) Select the following node and active the services:
- /default_host/sap/bc/gui/sap/its/webgui
- /default_host/sap/public/bc/ur
- /default_host/sap/public/bc/its/mimes

Right click the selected node and click "Activate Service"

7) Click "Yes"

8) Execute TCODE: SIAC_PUBLISH_ALL_INTERNAL (wait few minutes to activate the publishing services)

9) The progress will be shown in the status bar

10) Once the progress complete, a information screen will be shown.

11) Login with one of the following URL from the web browser
- http://<IP>:8010/sap/bc/gui/sap/its/webgui
- http://<FQN>:8010/sap/bc/gui/sap/its/webgui

C) Troubleshoot:

1) Problem: The required icm parameters not found
    Solution: Execute TCODE: RZ10 to add the parameter to the profile 

2) Problem: How to check the FQN 
    Solution: View the "C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts" file 
                  (depends on windows configuration, some might not be available and could be added manually)

3) Problem: Error "Session not found" when executing TCODE in SAP Web GUI after login

Solution: Execute TCODE: SICF_SESSIONS and select the client to be access by Web GUI

Double click the state to activate it and retry the login again.

4) Problem: How to ensure the Web login connection details
    Solution: By using the sapmmc (windows), select the connections icon under the ICM for more details

or check SAP ICM service on Linux/Unix OS command :

D) Conclusion 
That all for the configuration and in the end, it's all depends on the environment and on the type of users whether to use pure native GUI or Web GUI or even mixture of it.

how to force a transport between two different patch systems

Scenario: TR to be transport between system with different software version. Ex: DEV server been patch with latest SP while QAS server still pending for upgrade and running on lower SP.

Steps to force the TR:

Example: DEV with higher software version compare to QAS

1) Transport the TR with STMS

2) Click "Yes" button to start the TR 

3) Error will occur due to software version conflict

4) Click the "Question Mark" for further details

5) Re-run the transport again. Click "Yes" button

6) Click the "Options" tab and select the option: "Ignore Invalid Component Version". Probably you might need to select the rest of the options as well.

7) Click the "Yes" button

8) The TR is running

9) The TR complete with the status showing "Does not match component version"

Don't forget to check the configurations / changes / roles / ABAP program etc whether it's been transported successfully into the target system.