November 20, 2017

How to make connection to SAP R/3 from SAP Content Server

Make the Connection to SAP R/3 from Content Server

1. Use transaction OAC0 and select create

Add details as shown below, note the basic path is the file path of the content repository data volume SAP directory 

2. Now select ‘CS Admin’ button, the screen will take you to the create content repository input screen. Select the 'Execute' button  

You will be prompted for a user id and password which you will have to enter windows 2008 server user id and password you used for the install of Content Server. For my installation I used the administrator id and password (this is the windows logon password)

When done repeat the creation of the Content Repository. When it is created it will look like below

3. Then click onto the 'Certificates' tab and click on the 'Send Certificate' icon as shown below  

4. The certificate will be sent back. Select/highlight the certificate as shown below and click on the 'Enable' button  

The certificate will be enabled as seen below 

The installation of the Content Server is complete. By selecting the overview tab the repository can be seen running  


In testing the installation the following errors occurred and the resolution of each error is detailed in this document.
1. Cannot run sapinst.exe ‐ Java needs to be installed, e.g. Java JRE6, search on the web for download Java Runtime.
2. In opening CSADMIN in SAP I get a http 401 error. This is a security error with the Windows Server Firewall resolved.
3. In SAP using CSADMIN when connecting or creating the user id and password I am asked for is not recognised. Suggestion user the local administrator user id for the Windows Server the Content Server resides on. If this does not work use the servername\administrator_userid in the user id box and enter the password.
4. In SAP using CSADMIN when creating the Content Repository, using the create tab, a http 500 error appears, Please refer to SAPnote 658442, 851146 and 301352